
<TITLE>san - sanctuary</Title>

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<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><CENTER><a href="http://www.sanmusic.com"><img src="images/sanbanner.gif" border=0></a></TD></TR>



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<TD><Font Face="Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=2>

<A HREF="sounds/sanctuary.mp3"><B>mp3 file</B></A></FONT><BR>

<Font Face="Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=1 COLOR="#336633">(click to download)</TD>



<TD><Font Face="Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=2>

i'm searching for a sanctuary<BR>

a glass of water that tastes like wine<BR>

i'm lookin' for a paradise<BR>

a field of gold that i could call my own<BR>

i'm asking<BR>

is it all too much?<BR>

isn't it all too much?<BR>

it's all too much


i want a little peace<BR>

i need a little peace of mind<BR>

a glass of water that tastes like wine<BR>

i need a piece of paradise<BR>

a field of gold i could call my own






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&copy; 2002 San Music</FONT></TD>

